Sunday, August 31, 2008

I pwned Stacker Machine & Got a VAIO® Laptop!

I've break my own record in the Stacker Game yesterday. I used 4 USD to take down 3 machines' major prize. I got 3 Nintendo DS Lite

1 USD - Black Nintendo DS Lite (Ontario Mills)
2 USD - Red + Black Nintendo DS Lite (Ontario Mills)
1 USD - White Nintendo DS Lite. (Puente Hills)

My Personal Record was winning 2 system in a day using around 10 USD or more.

3 Xbox 360 Live
1 Nintendo Wii
7 Nintendo DS Lite
2 Gameboy Advance SP

And today, My mom got me a VAIO® Laptop that looks like this. (Mine is white in color)

It's function was pretty amazing, and it is really light in weight. I have yet to actually discover everything yet so, that's all i can tell you now =). If you're going to get a laptop and you're looking for a good one, I recommend you this VAIO® Laptop.

I had a dream this morning. It was a weird dream but oh well. I got engaged with a girl and was going to get married.(Don't ask me, I can only tell you that she's pretty but I can't really tell who she is, the image about her in my mind is vague).

I woke up right after that and was like " Aww, it was a sweet dream. " and went back to sleep.
And my dream continues.............


chickenfriedrice1 said...

you got 3 ds lites and a labtop. haha share the wealth davidson...jk (:

Anonymous said...

Wow, what the heck Davidson!
You've got wayyy to much free time for this stuff xD
ps. Sometimes dreams do come true, right Mr.Dreamer? :P

Davidson Zhang said...

To Kishan

I guess so.

Anonymous said...

you still owe me a DS. >:D

Anonymous said...

lol -______-
what are you gonna do w/ all your ds' and xboxes and gameboys O_o?

:] guess who i am :D